It is mandatory that all Pathfinder and Adventurer staff attend Basic Staff training. It is recommended that all staff attend every 3 years as a refresher especially where they have not been continually active in the ministry.

The BST Course is designed to develop awareness in leaders of the basic fundamentals of the Pathfinder/Adventurer Club and help teachers become familiar with the procedures, policies and resources necessary to commence and maintain a Pathfinder club. It will teach those basic elements of information required for any Pathfinder/Adventurer staff member or leader to adequately fulfil his or her duties.

Participants will attend a minimum of 10 hours of seminar training conducted by the SEC. Which is currently run accross 2 Sundays, (dates for 2022 are below). In addition to this the participants are expected to complete the SEC KCFS (Keeping the Church Family Safe) Training (with the exception of the Guide class).


* Pathfinder Club Ministry: Its History, Purpose, and Relationship to Church, TLT and  MasterGuides
* Introduction to Club Organisation & Leadership
* Introduction to Pathfinder Club Outreach
* Introduction to Basic Drill
* Introduction to Pathfinder Club Programming and Planning
* Development Growth (Pathfinder & Adventurer)
* Introduction to Teaching Skills (Pathfinder & Adventurer)
* Introduction to Medical, Risk Management, Child Safety Issues and Outdoor Safety


The training has been adapted to deliver it via the Zoom platform.

BST S1 - (BST Registration is NOW OPEN
BST Day 1 - Sunday 14th January - Virtually via ZOOM  
BST Day 2 - Sunday 21st January - Virtually via ZOOM

BST S2  
BST Day 1 - Sunday 21st April  - Virtually via ZOOM
BST Day 2 - Sunday 28th April - Virtually via ZOOM

BST Day 1 - Sunday 6th October- Virtually via ZOOM
BST Day 2 - Sunday 13th October - Virtually via ZOOM

The schedule for each Session are usually kept the same so if you miss Day 1 or Day 2 or a module, you can then register for another session to complete that day or the module missed.

To register please Click Here: 

The schedule for each Session are usually kept the same so if you miss Day 1 or Day 2 or a module, you can then register for another session to complete that day or the module missed.

Please note to complete the training you will need to attend all sessions on both days, and complete the SEC KCFS training.

Once you have completed all sessions including KCFS you will then be issued with a certificate.

If you have not yet completed the SEC KCFS (Keeping The Chruch Family Safe) Training by the time of registration, once you have done so you will need to submit your KCFS certificate to the SCE Pathfinder department after which you will then be issued with your BST certificate.